Why are men’s testosterone levels decreasing?

Why are men’s testosterone levels decreasing?

Last updated: 29 January 2025

Multiple recent studies have shown a decrease in male testosterone levels over the past few decades. In fact, several studies suggest that, on average, testosterone levels in men are falling by approximately 1% every year. So why is this happening, and is there anything we can do about it?

In this article, we aim to explain some of the reasons why male testosterone levels are decreasing, why testosterone is important and how you can help boost your levels naturally through simple lifestyle changes. Plus, you’ll also discover how you can keep a check on your hormones and gain key insights into your health by booking a private hormone profile test.

What is testosterone?

Testosterone is a sex hormone often associated with the development and maintenance of male characteristics and reproductive health, although females also produce small amounts of testosterone.

In males, testosterone is responsible for:

  • The development of the male reproductive organs
  • Sperm production
  • Sex drive
  • Deepening of the voice
  • Development of facial and pubic hair during puberty
  • Muscle and bone growth
  • Help maintain mood and cognitive function

Typically, testosterone levels spike during adolescence and peak in a male’s 20s. Once they have reached their peak, testosterone levels slowly start to decrease, which means it is common for older men to have lower testosterone levels.

What is low testosterone?

Low testosterone in men usually occurs when the body is unable to make enough testosterone; this is sometimes referred to as hypogonadism. The symptoms of low testosterone typically include:

  • Reduced sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Loss of pubic or armpit hair
  • Shrinking testicles
  • Low sperm count
  • Hot flashes
  • Depression
  • Difficulties with memory or concentration
  • Increased body fat
  • Enlarged breast tissue
  • Decrease in muscle strength or mass
  • Decrease in endurance

Although testosterone levels naturally start to decrease as males age, there are other potential causes of low testosterone levels, such as being overweight, having type 2 diabetes, having a chronic medical condition, such as kidney dysfunction, or suffering from sleep apnoea.

Why is testosterone important?

Testosterone is essential for developing and maintaining male characteristics and normal reproductive function. As a result, low testosterone levels can significantly affect a man’s health, quality of life and ability to reproduce.

Why are testosterone levels falling?

Right now, it is not completely clear why average male testosterone levels are decreasing. Several studies have shown a link between certain factors and lower testosterone levels, but the likelihood is multiple factors are contributing to the decline.

Below are some of the factors found to be linked to lower testosterone levels:


Rising obesity levels are thought to play a role in men’s declining testosterone levels. That’s because being overweight can cause hormonal imbalances and affect how the body responds to insulin, a hormone that helps to stabilise your blood sugar levels, both of which can cause reduced testosterone levels.

Physical activity

Not getting enough physical activity is also believed to be playing a role in lower male testosterone levels. Not only can a sedentary lifestyle cause you to gain weight, which can reduce your testosterone levels but there are also links between moderate aerobic and resistance-based exercises and an increase in testosterone levels.

It’s not just about hitting the gym. Nowadays, manual labour has been vastly reduced by the development of machinery and automation. There are also more office-based jobs where people spend most of their day sitting, and people are generally less active in their free time than they once were. All of which are thought to be affecting men’s testosterone levels.

External toxins

Some research suggests that there may be a connection between our growing reliance on plastics and changes to our hormone health. That’s because many plastics contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which can interfere with the body's hormones.

EDCs can be found in many everyday plastic products, such as:

  • Plastic bottles
  • Food storage containers
  • Liners of metal food cans
  • Detergents

Fewer smokers

It may sound surprising, but some studies suggest there could be a link between the fall in smokers and decreasing male testosterone levels. It is thought that this is because nicotine is metabolised by the body into a substance called cotinine, which may prevent the breakdown of testosterone.

However, this doesn’t mean you should start smoking or should use it as a reason not to stop smoking. Tobacco is extremely harmful to many other body systems, and the dangers of smoking massively outweigh any potential benefits it may have on testosterone levels.

Stress and mental health problems

Acute stress is a normal part of life and can actually cause a small spike in testosterone levels. However, chronic stress, which is becoming more prevalent in today’s constantly ‘switched-on’ society can raise cortisol levels and lead to reduced testosterone levels.

Other causes

There are lots of other potential causes of lower testosterone levels in modern males, including a poor diet, poor sleep quality and the increase of males diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

What can you do to boost your testosterone levels?

Having low testosterone levels can have serious implications for males, so knowing the steps you can take to help boost your levels naturally can be beneficial. Below, we share simple ways you can boost your testosterone levels:

Maintain a healthy body weight

Gaining too much weight, especially belly fat, can cause an increase in the enzyme ‘aromatase’. This enzyme converts testosterone in fat cells into oestrogen, which lowers your overall testosterone levels and causes an increase in oestrogen. By losing weight, you can help to readdress this imbalance and increase your testosterone levels.

Reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes

Having type 2 diabetes increases your risk of having lower-than-normal testosterone levels. By reducing your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, you can help reduce this risk.

Getting your blood sugar levels checked regularly with a diabetes blood test, can help you keep an eye on whether you are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and take proactive steps to reduce your risk through dietary and lifestyle changes.

Exercise regularly

The combination of regular moderate aerobic exercise, such as jogging, and resistance-based exercise, like weightlifting has been found to increase the production of testosterone in males.

However, it’s important not to overdo it, as overtraining can also cause testosterone deficiency. Typically, this is only seen in professional sportsmen, such as professional weightlifters or endurance athletes.

Prioritise sleep

The majority of your body’s testosterone is made while you are in the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage of sleep. This means having a disrupted sleep cycle with less time spent in the REM sleep stage can be associated with lower-than-average testosterone levels.

You can find out more about the vital role sleep plays in hormone health in our guide ‘Why is sleep important.’

Avoid toxins

You should try to minimise your exposure to toxins known to be linked with reduced testosterone levels, such as phthalates (chemicals used in plastics, coating and lubricants), BPA (found in some plastics) and organophosphates (found in pesticides and herbicides).

You should also try to minimise your alcohol intake, avoid taking opioid medications long-term and avoid tobacco products, which can be harmful to your overall health.

Reduce stress

When you are constantly stressed, levels of the stress hormone cortisol increase in your blood. High levels of cortisol over time can increase fat deposition in your body. This causes an increase in the conversion of testosterone to oestrogen, which reduces your testosterone levels.

Learn more about cortisol and the ways you can reduce your levels in our guide.

Eat a healthy diet

Poor diet has been linked to an imbalance of both male and female hormones, so to help naturally boost your testosterone levels, you should try to follow a healthy diet.

Try to avoid consuming lots of sugar and caffeine, processed foods and foods containing dyes. Instead, aim to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, healthy sources of lean protein and plenty of fibre.

For more tips on how to follow a healthier diet, read our article ‘What is the healthiest diet?’

Check your hormone health

If you are concerned about your testosterone levels, a [private hormone profile blood test(https://www.bluecrestwellness.com/hormone-profiles) can offer vital insights into your hormone health. Our male profile is a panel of blood tests specifically designed to measure the levels of seven key male hormones in the blood, including testosterone.

We offer private hormone profile blood tests at locations across the UK, so it is easy to find a convenient appointment. Plus, you can be confident that we will deliver fast, efficient and accurate results as we have established links with leading UK laboratories and are fully accredited for a wide range of private blood checks.

Need help? Call free on

0800 652 2183 to speak to one of our team.

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