Private Over 40s Health Check
ArticlesPrivate Health Checks

Private Over 40s Health Check

Last updated: 19 September 2024

The risk of developing certain health conditions increases as we age. From the age of 40 to 79, adults can benefit from regular testing and full body check-ups to proactively monitor and improve their health.

Our private full body health checks offer a quick, easy, and accurate way for people over 40 to identify any health issues in the early stages and ensure timely treatment.

Our private full body health checks range from general Health MOTs to specialist Female Cancer Risk and Male Cancer Risk tests and even checks for Vitamin and Mineral levels.

What’s Included in a 40 Year Old Health Check?

A general health check is all the more important as we age. Certain health conditions are more prevalent in the 40 to 79 age group. Stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, and type 2 diabetes are just some of the common conditions that can be detected in the early stages, allowing for prompt intervention. Health tests at 40 can help to assess the risk of these health issues and more.

Here are some of the assessments you should undergo after 40:

Heart health checks

There are a range of health checks geared towards evaluating the heart’s health and function. By measuring cholesterol levels, BMI and blood pressure, your individual risk of heart disease and stroke can be calculated from the results. Naturally, cardiovascular risk rises as we age. Therefore, it is crucial that over 40s undergo regular heart health checks.

Heart health checks involve tests such as ECGs (heart rhythm), cholesterol blood tests and blood pressure readings, which are expertly analysed for abnormalities. Early detection can identify and prevent cardiovascular risks to your health.

Prediabetes checks

Diagnosing diabetes in its early or prediabetic stages can give you the time to make diet and lifestyle changes to help control the condition. The risk of diabetes increases with age, so testing over 40 is advised to catch the condition early.

The HbA1c blood test is far more accurate than standard glucose testing in diagnosing diabetes. A standard test reflects your glucose levels when the sample is taken, while an HbA1c test calculates the average amount of glucose in the blood over a 2-3 month period. Another advantage is that the HbA1c test does not require fasting before the test, making this test much more convenient than standard glucose testing.

Cancer risk

Male Cancer Risk checks are designed to spot the signs of common cancers affecting men aged 40 to 70. More than half of all new cancer cases in men are attributed to prostate, lung, and bowel cancers. A blood test looks for the presence of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) to assess prostate cancer risk. A stool sample can be sent off and analysed for signs of bowel cancer.

Many more tests and checks are included that can detect the signs of cancer in its early stages, ensuring improved health outcomes.

Female Cancer Risk health checks help to identify early signs of cancers most commonly diagnosed in women. Some of the most common cancers in females include breast, cervical, lung, and bowel cancers. Nearly all cases of cervical cancer are linked to the presence of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). A simple swab test can check for the specific strains of HPV linked to cervical cancer. Female cancer risk checks also include stool sample analysis for bowel cancer and blood testing for detection of Helicobacter Pylori (H Pylori) antibodies, which are used to determine stomach cancer risk.

Lung function

Lung function is assessed using a simple spirometry test measuring how much air you can breathe in and out. This non-invasive test can determine the risk of asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis or COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Lung function declines as we age and can be impaired by lifestyle factors such as smoking. The symptoms of lung cancer can go unnoticed, making it all the more important to carry out regular lung function and health checks.

Kidney function

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a long-term health condition that is particularly prevalent in older adults. Kidney function can be evaluated through certain blood markers. Measuring how efficiently the kidneys work to filter the blood, checking if the kidneys are removing creatinine and urea from the blood and looking out for balanced sodium levels are some of the ways in which to assess kidney health and function.

Liver function checks

As we age, liver function naturally declines, along with its capacity to repair and regenerate liver cells. Consequently, people over 40 face an elevated risk of liver-related diseases and dysfunction. Assessing various enzymes and proteins in the blood can reveal the liver's functionality, with abnormal levels potentially signalling liver damage or disease.

What Does a 40 Year Old Health Check Involve?

Health tests at 40 typically look for signs and symptoms that may indicate the presence of health conditions commonly experienced by adults in this age group. Private full body health checks test a number of the body’s systems to ensure that they are working properly.

In order to get a better picture of your health status and other factors that may influence your risk of developing certain health conditions, general health checks include the following:

  • Gathering information about your family’s medical history
  • Information about your own health and lifestyle
  • A list of any medications you’re taking
  • Recording biometric data such as your height and weight
  • Taking your blood pressure reading
  • Checking cholesterol levels
  • Recording heart rate and rhythm (ECG Test)
  • Calculating body mass index (BMI)

Why do You Have to be Over 40?

From the age of 40, our risk of developing certain health conditions increases, making testing around this age group particularly beneficial. While there are health checks suitable for all adults, some are only recommended for people aged 40 and over.

The Male Cancer Risk and Female Cancer Risk health assessments are limited to adults aged 40 to 79. These tests are only suitable for this specific age group because of the risk of false positives or negatives in younger adults. Health checks are not designed to cause unnecessary worry; they offer peace of mind or early detection when used for the appropriate age group.

What is a Private 40 Year Old Health Check?

A private 40 year old health check is specifically for adults aged 40 and over, addressing common conditions they may encounter. As many of the body’s systems experience dysfunction with age, testing is all the more important after 40.

Health checks for 40 year olds examine heart health, lung function, risk of cancers, immune system function, and much more. These comprehensive tests are designed to detect the early signs of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and kidney disease. Spotting these signs early enough ensures timely treatment and better health outcomes.

How to Get a Full Health Check for Over 40s

A comprehensive private full body health check includes a whole range of tests assessing the function of many of the body’s systems. From heart health to lung function and more, a full health check for over 40’s can give you peace of mind.

If you are aged 40 and over, you can book your private health check today and avoid a lengthy waiting time for an appointment. Additionally, with 350+ venues across the UK, we offer accurate and reliable private testing with safe clinical procedures, no long travel times or no busy waiting rooms.

Our health assessment packages include a range of private full body health checks including general Health MOTs to specialist Female Cancer Risk and Male Cancer Risk tests and energy checks for optimum Vitamin and Mineral levels.

Need help? Call free on 0800 652 2183 to speak to one of our team.
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