What is a Well Man check?
ArticlesMale Health

What is a Well Man check?

Last updated: 2 October 2024

A Wellman check is a comprehensive health assessment specifically designed for men. It typically includes a series of tests and evaluations to monitor and promote overall health, identify potential health issues early, and provide personalised recommendations for maintaining optimal health and wellness.

Designed to monitor and promote overall health, the Wellman check goes beyond surface-level assessments. It delves deep into your physiological markers to catch any potential health issues in their early stages. By identifying these concerns early on, you can take proactive steps to address them while minimising the risk of more serious complications down the road.

As part of this commitment to comprehensive health, Bluecrest offers a full-body health MOT, complementing the thoroughness of the Wellman check. Book online today to take the first step towards a healthier, happier you. Your well-being is worth investing in.

A Well Man Check – The comprehensive check-up for men

A Well Man check is a type of health assessment geared completely towards men, addressing the health concerns that are important to them. In examining relevant aspects of male health, issues can be identified early on, preventing problems from escalating.

Well Man Checks are designed to assess the health of men aged 40 to 79, as age is a risk factor for many health conditions such as cardiovascular disease and various types of cancer. Conducting Well Man Checks on individuals younger than 40 is not advised due to the risk of false positives or negatives, especially regarding cancer checks. The tests serve to reassure and not to cause unnecessary concern.

What does a Wellman check involve?

A Well Man Check involves thoroughly assessing various aspects of male health and wellbeing. While the specific components of a male health check may vary depending on the provider and your health needs, common elements of a Well Man Check often include:

  • Medical history review: The provider will review your medical history, including past illnesses, family medical history, and current medications.

  • Physical examination: A thorough physical examination may be conducted to assess your vital signs, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and body mass index (BMI). The provider may also examine various body systems, such as the cardiovascular, respiratory, and musculoskeletal systems.

  • Tests and assessments: Tests measuring cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, liver function, kidney function, and markers of inflammation are typically included. Additional tests relating to conditions solely affecting men or more commonly occurring in males, such as prostate cancer risk tests, also feature.

  • Lifestyle assessment: Healthcare professionals may assess your lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise habits, smoking status, alcohol consumption, and stress levels. Counselling and recommendations for lifestyle modifications may be provided to support overall health and wellbeing.

  • Consultation with healthcare professionals: Following the assessment, individuals typically have an opportunity to discuss the results with a healthcare provider. This allows for personalised recommendations, health education, and goal-setting to address any identified health concerns or risk factors.

A Well Man Check provides you with a comprehensive overview of your current health status, with a special focus on the health concerns and conditions commonly encountered by men. The knowledge gained from a Well Man Check can empower you to make informed decisions about your health and wellbeing as a man.

What are the benefits of a Wellman check?

Getting a Wellman health check offers several advantages beyond a standard full body health assessment. While the latter provides a comprehensive overview of your overall health and wellness, a Wellman health check is specifically tailored to address the unique health needs and concerns of men.

Here are some reasons why opting for a Wellman health check can be particularly beneficial:

  • Early detection of health issues: A health check can help identify health problems early, allowing for prompt intervention and treatment before they escalate into more serious conditions.

  • Preventive steps: A health check empowers individuals to take proactive steps toward preventing illness and promoting overall health by assessing key health indicators and identifying risk factors.

  • Personalised health recommendations: Following a health check, you’ll receive personalised health recommendations tailored to your specific needs and risk factors. These recommendations may include lifestyle modifications, preventive screenings, and treatment plans to optimise health outcomes.

  • Peace of mind: A better understanding over your current health status can provide peace of mind and alleviate anxiety about health concerns. A clean bill of health can also serve as motivation to maintain healthy habits and lifestyle choices.

  • Empowerment: A health check puts you in control of your health by providing you with valuable information and insights. Armed with this knowledge, you can make informed decisions about your health and take proactive steps toward achieving your health goals.

  • Improved health outcomes: By addressing health issues early and implementing preventive measures, you can potentially improve your health outcomes and reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases in the future.

Book a private Well Man check

Our private full body MOTs are designed for busy men who want to take control of their health and address the concerns that matter to them. No waiting for an appointment, non-invasive procedures, no embarrassing questions, no long travel times and no busy waiting rooms.

From carrying out key tests evaluating lung, kidney, and liver function to assessing heart and lung health, our tests cover a wide range of vital indicators. Additionally, relating to male health, we conduct tests for prostate and pancreatic cancer risk and more, providing you with a thorough overview of your health.

Trained Health Assessment Specialists carry out all tests in over 350 venues across the UK and Ireland, so you get accurate professional health checks within 20 minutes of your home. Explore our packages and book online today.

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