Proactive health assessments for your workforce


Our popular health checks can take place at your corporate premises at no extra cost, or you can choose to access our network of clinics at over 400 locations across the UK. With follow-up support and access to a registered GP helpline as standard, you’ll soon see the health and wellbeing of your employees improve. Find out more about whole of workforce employee health checks.

Our popular health check packages for


A health assessment is like a full body MOT. It takes around 30 minutes, and involves a series of tests and checks – including things like a blood test and ECG – designed to give your employees an overview of their current health, and the inside track of what’s going on inside their bodies. There are different combinations of tests depending on the package that’s been chosen, but they include things like liver and kidney function, cholesterol, thyroid, glucose, iron and protein levels, musculoskeletal health, stroke risk, cancer risk, mental health and more. And don’t forget you can mix and match our range of health checks to suit your teams’ needs and your budget!

Business Employees

Business Health Plus


47 health readings

Mental Health assessment

24/7 GP helpline

Business Employees

Business Health Extra


62 health readings

Mental Health and MSK assessment

24/7 GP helpline

Business Employees
Business Health Comprehensive


76 health readings

Mental Health and MSK assessment

Health and Wellbeing support sessions

24/7 GP helpline

Business Employees
Business Health Executive


88 health readings

Mental Health and MSK assessment

Health and Wellbeing support sessions

Fitness assessment

24/7 GP helpline and private GP consultation

Health Awareness Days

Our mini health check events are an affordable, effective and hassle-free way to show how much you care about your entire workforce. Your staff members will receive their test results on the day, together with the information they need to proactively manage their health and wellbeing.

Female call centre operative answering questions on a headset about Bluecrest Wellness health checks

Book a meeting with us


Are you ready to get started…? Request your information pack today and find out how we can help improve the health and wellbeing at your business.

Exclusions and


At Bluecrest, we prioritise responsible health assessment practices. Our Chief Medical Officer provides recommendations that guide us in applying certain exclusions, restrictions, and advice. This ensures that our services and specific tests align with good customer care, appropriateness, and the minimisation of unnecessary worry for our customers and clients. Our Chief Medical Officer also manages test availability and the removal of tests, constantly staying updated with evolving medical opinion and knowledge.

For more information on our practices, please refer to our full list of exclusions and advice: